Our Values
Clockwork Soldier has been designing creative products for big imaginations for over a decade. We pride ourselves on creating beautifully crafted products that appeal to kids and look great on a bedroom wall or shelf. Everyone in the company is involved at the ideas stage, bringing ideas from a range of different perspectives. Once we have an idea each kit is designed in our London studio, starting with a sketch before being modelled by our paper engineer, who tests many different versions before it makes its way to the factory.

Awareness of our ecological impact is built into Clockwork Soldier’s design process. Our products are minimal waste and FSC Certified, which assures that they are made from paper and card that is recycled or sourced from sustainably managed forests. Most of our products are plastic-free and we’re working on becoming fully plastic-free. We have also worked with societies like the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust to create products that support conservation efforts. We are always looking at ways we can make our products more environmentally friendly.

Our products are packed with interesting facts and fun activities so that children (and grown-ups!) can learn alongside creating stimulating projects and challenges. We use an educational icon system to identify these different learning benefits. Look on our website and on the back of our packs to see what educational skills the product helps children to learn and develop.

Creative Fun
We take fun very seriously at Clockwork Soldier HQ! We believe that children learn best through play. Our products encourage everyone to use their creativity and learn, while having fun. With our products, and a little imagination, children can do almost anything, including travel to the moon, enter a magical world, or roam the earth as dinosaurs.