Go Wild for the Wetlands

Go Wild for the Wetlands

Go Wild for the Wetlands

We are really excited to tell you about our wonderful new origami gift for children, which we have released in partnership with the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust is the UK’s leading conservation charity, working to create a world where healthy wetland nature thrives and enriches lives. 10% of our profits go to the charity, helping to support and promote awareness of the work they do. We are passionate about the environment and everything we do here is driven by our commitment to sustainability and doing right by the planet. This is why we are so thrilled to be able to bring you our Wetland Wildlife Origami and the playful Create Your Own Blow Ducks, so that children can learn to love wildlife through play.

Did you know?

The common carp is a large fish that grows up to a metre in length. One favourite food is freshwater mussels, which they will eat whole with their shells still on. They live in weedy ponds, flooded gravel pits and lakes.

Did you know?

Plants greatly benefit their habitats by providing shelter for fish and shade to keep the water cool. Water lilies provide spaces for frogs to perch on their leaves, hiding from underwater predators.

Wetland Wildlife Origami has been designed to enable children to become a nature explorer in the wonderful wetlands. You can make six large origami birds, animals, and amphibians in the crafty kit. We firmly believe in learning through play, and this new product is no exception. You can learn about wildlife around, on and under the water with lots of fun facts.

Have you discovered our new origami gift for children? Released in partnership with the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, 10% of our profits go to the charity, helping to support and promote awareness of the work they do.

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